Thursday, May 10, 2012

new release

Sorry, haven't had any time lately.

Here are the next two releases. It could be some time before something new will come again. I just have too many groups I'm working for right now.

=) I hope you'll still enjoy

AKB48 - Oogoe Diamond
Aqua Timez - Plumeria ~Hana Uta~ -Gokusen ver.-  (thanks to Sars for the Translation - Plumeria was the Ending theme for Gokusen Movie)

I'm very sorry, that it took so long to finish Plumeria *bows to amrayu* (I actually had these two videos down for nearly 2 years now and I totally forgot; I found them again today and was shocked) I still hoped to find a DVD source for the PV, but unfortunately the version I found had some pixilation errors in it and I couldn't fix it. (I'm not the best of encoder, but I make do)
So here's a TV cut version. I hope I'll be able to release a DVD version of it at some point.
Have fun and thanks again to Sars. It was a lot of fun to work with you guys.